Training on “Financial Management” and “Product Rating” within the framework of The Asia Foundation project.
On September 12-13, 2020, VietED conducted 2 training activities on “Financial Management” and “Product Rating – Postharvest Product Standards”, these are two important training sessions. Point in the framework of the project: “Improving income for farmers through developing a safe food business model in Giang Bien ward” – The Asia Foundation.
The training course on Financial Management has brought a lot of new knowledge to farmers in Giang Bien. The lecturer cleverly integrated the lesson content through hands-on activities in the classroom. The students enthusiastically participated, sharing ideas and plans to apply this knowledge after the class. The main content of the lesson revolves around: “Financial plan”, “Smart saving”, “Balance of income and expenditure”, “Loan management”. At the end of the lesson, the participants highly appreciated the content of “Smart saving” and thought that this is a very practical and important content that should be applied immediately.
For the training course “Product Rating – Postharvest Product Standards”, once again, farmers in Giang Bien were shared by the project team with smart assessment/measurement tools by experts. leading research and development at VietED in the past 5 years. By conveying the lesson’s content logically and intelligently with color cards and visual pictures, the students all feel excited when for the first time they can evaluate their own products according to the quality standards of the company. market. The lesson also had the sharing of Business and Branding experts, introducing people to ways to perfect product designs and packaging to match market trends but still balance internal resources. of the cooperative.
At the end of the 2 training courses, 100% of the participants shared that they really want the Project to organize more such training courses. Because they are not only provided with new knowledge but also have interesting moments to exchange, share and interact with experts and project staff.