Study Report on “Microfinance in Vietnam: The real situation and policy recommendations”

Vietnam Microfinance Working Group (VMFWG) has published the Study Report on “Microfinance in Vietnam: “The real situation and pocily recommendations”. This Report creates an overall picture which reflects the real situation of operating environment, policy and regulatory framework for microfinance institutions. Additionally, this Report does not concentrate on theories while deeply analyzing, evaluating comprehensively the current situation of microfinance activities of licensed microfinance institutions and programs/ projects in Vietnam. On that basis, recommendations and proposals taking practical and concrete actions to remove the present “knot” are expected to produce a radical innovation and effective impacts on the microfinance environment in the future. Specifically:
- To propose mechanisms and policies related to operations of MFIs providing microfinance services in Vietnam;
- To propose a specific action plan to enhance the performance on the Project “Building up and developing a microfinance system in Vietnam by the year 2020” issued Decision No. 2195 / QD-TTg Government;
- To raise awareness among policy-making agencies, local authorities, investors, donors, client, and service providers towards developing a safe, sustainable, transparent and practical microfinance sector.
- To strengthen the links among members within each microfinance organization, between MFIs and credit institutions, to strengthen each organization in particular and the system in general.
Thereby, it could provoke the breakthrough steps, practical actions to improve policy mechanism and pay more appropriate attention of local authorities of different levels, the social-political organizations and other stakeholders to support the system of microfinance institutions in operating effectively and developing sustainably towards the poor/low income people who are the end beneficiaries from outcomes of enabling microfinance activities in Vietnam.
To download this report, please click here