Partners from Microcredit for Mothers (MFM) visit women clients at the Ba Vi branch of VietED Foundation

On November 12 2018, two of our partners from Microcredit for Mothers Foundation (MFM) accompanied us to visit clients to survey the implementation of MFM funding to support poor women through VietED in Ba Vi district. On this visit we conducted in depth interviews on three of our clients to receive updates and additional information on their progress in agriculture production and business.
VietED, along with MFM, wanted to gain a better understanding on the impact that our services have made on the lives of these individuals. We also wanted to get a better idea as to how we can adjust, replicate, or improve our models and methodology to better suit our clients.
Our partners from MFM also wanted to further understand what kind of funding our clients would need in regards to spending, saving, and investing. MFM helps women in Asia to set up their own business through small loans, savings options, vocational training sources and entrepreneurial training with the hopes of spreading economic independence. Our trip to Ba Vi was a great way to see how the visions of VietED and MFM are taking place, but also to see where and how our influences can expand.